Keyword match types examples 150645-Matching type examples
Mar 15, 17 · Now let's look at how Google keyword match types in AdWords work differently from one another If you put a "" in front of the word running and shoes your ad can show up for any search, as long as it contains the terms "running," and "shoes" For example, your ad can show for a search like, "shoes for running" PHRASE MATCHOct 16, 19 · The first type of match type is the phrase match and includes all relevant keywords that include your main keyword in the same order For example, if your primary keyword is PPC management then your advert will be triggered by keywords with that phrase in itSome examples would beApr 22, 19 · Exact Match Exact match is arguably the most common match type PPC specialists use in their campaigns An exact match keyword will only be displayed when a user searches your exact keyword This means that if you're bidding on the keyword "Social Security" and someone searches "Social Security disa...