Nihon Kokuyuu Tetsudou Kouantai«Shou Iwaizumi (岩泉 翔, Iwaizumi Shō) is a friend of the main protagonist Naoto and a member of the Fourth Peacekeeper Squad 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Background 4 Gallery 5 References He is a tall boy with black hair and black eyes He wears the normal security uniform with a yellow police vest covering the top He is a very active person and optimistic about everything He committed"HQ!!岩泉さん家の翔陽ちゃん 前編日向♀" is episode no 1 of the novel series "HQ!!岩泉さん家の翔陽ちゃん日向♀" It includes tags such as "腐向けHQ", "研日" and more 「グンモーニン、岩ちゃん!今日もこの優しい優しい及川さんが起こしに来てあげたよ! ハイキュー 岩泉一の誕生日や名言 声優まとめ 私服がかっこいい 岩泉翔